Monday, December 16, 2013

Video Store Refactor

Presentation: 17/12/2013 @ 07:30AM

Video Store

This is the famous "Video Store" example from Martin Fowler's wonderful book: Refactoring.

In this hour-long screencast, Uncle Bob (UB) takes it apart one step at a time.

In the end, he will transform this code from a single large function in a group of otherwise empty classes, into a nicely partitioned object oriented design.

UB will tear this code apart, and turn it inside out. He'll use a wide-range of refactoring in order to chop the code up and drag the fragments into the classes that need them.

In the process the tests will be cleaned up, the Single Reponsibility Principle will be enforced, three new classes will be created and populated, and the result will be a much cleaner module. You don't want to miss this one!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

People, Process, Tools – The Essence of DevOps

Presentation: 19/11/2013 @ 07:30AM

Richard Campbell

People, Process, Tools – The Essence of DevOps

DevOps is about making software better – by bringing everyone involved in software closer together, including (but not limited to): domain experts, rchitects, developers, designers, testers, security and operations. This session takes you through the DevOps culture, focusing on people, process and tools (in that order). You’ll learn how to get the conversation started between the teams, how to bring the teams closer together, and how to ultimately become one team (we’re all in this together)! Understanding DevOps is about focusing on what’s important: building and delivering the best software you can.
