Monday, January 27, 2014

Clean Code → Names++

Presentation: 28/01/2014 @ 07:30AM 
Perfion ∙ Niels Jernes Vej 8 ∙ DK-9220 Aalborg ∙ Denmark
Tlf Michael Coxeter 31 14 38 84

Despite the scenery, Uncle Bob never lets up on driving each point home so they become part of your daily discipline.
He begins with the exhortation that names are not just a convenience for the programmer. They are the most powerful tool that programmers have to communicate with each other.
Then he dives into a discussion on how to use names to Reveal Your Intent and Avoid Disinformation.
From one code example to the next (showing up in the most unlikely places) you'll see Uncle Bob point out examples of bad names and good names. He'll explain why the good names are good, why the bad names are bad, and how to improve them.

Uncle Bob will tell you how encoding schemes like Hungarian Notation began, and why youdon't want to be using them in the twenty-first century. He'll go on to stress the importance of choosing names that make your code read like well written prose.

Finally, Uncle Bob will tell you about The Scope Rule which will guide you in choosing function, class, and variable names of the appropriate length for the scope that contains them.

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